Internet Safety Rules:
- Never give out personal information such as address, telephone number, parents work information or your school information.
- Tell your parents immediately if you come across something that makes you feel uncomfortable or that you do not understand.
- Never agree to get together with someone you meet online.
- Never send your picture or anything else to anyone online.
- Never respond to any messages that are mean or in any way make you feel uncomfortable. It is not your fault if you get a message like that just do not respond and get your parents.
- If you or anyone else is threatened, or harassed online notify your parents or the police.
- Remember that not everyone you talk to in chat rooms is who they say they are.
- Don't discuss personal issues, such as problems at home or school, with someone you don't know or that you met online.
- Never give out your internet password to anyone.
- Talk to your parents about setting up computer rules.