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Frequently Asked Questions

School Board Frequently Asked Questions



Are Board meetings open to the Public?

Every meeting of the Board is open to the public. The Board may, however, adjourn to an exective session to discuss personnel matters or land acquisitions, to obtain certain legal counsel and discuss litigation or to discuss cases involving discipline of a student enrolled in public school.



When and where does the Board meet?

Regular Board meetings are scheduled for the third Monday of each month at 6:00 p.m. in the Board room of the Central Office Building, 402 Broach Street, in Pittsburg. Additional meetings may be held as needed with 72 hours advance notice. The Board reserves the right to change Board meetings to other days and times whenever it becomes necessary.



What is the procedure for addressing the Board?

A general open forum will be held at the beginning of each regular Board meeting to allow for public input on a topic. This open forum is to allow opportunities for concerned citizens to address the Board. You will need to sign up with the secretary prior to the beginnning of the board meeting. When recognized by the Board chairman, please approach the lectern, identify yourself by name, address and if applicable, the organization you represent. All remarks should be addressed to the Board as a whole; Board members will listen but not respond to remarks made during open forums. Individual comments shall be limited to three minutes. Delegations of more than five persons shall appoint one person to present the views before the board.

Complaints and concerns for which other resolution channels are provided shall be directed through those channels. Discussions of personnel or comments regarding District employees are not appropiate during Board meetings

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